Critical variable

Thermodynamic variables associated with critical points

Critical variables are defined, for example in thermodynamics, in terms of the values of variables at the critical point.

On a PV diagram, the critical point is an inflection point. Thus:

( P V ) C = 0 {\displaystyle \left({\frac {\partial P}{\partial V}}\right)_{C}=0}
( 2 P V 2 ) C = 0 {\displaystyle \left({\frac {\partial ^{2}P}{\partial V^{2}}}\right)_{C}=0}

For the van der Waals equation, the above yields:

P C = a 27 b 2 {\displaystyle P_{C}={\frac {a}{27b^{2}}}}
V C = 3 n b {\displaystyle \displaystyle {V_{C}=3nb}}
T C = 8 a 27 b R {\displaystyle T_{C}={\frac {8a}{27bR}}}
