Tensor software

Class of mathematical software
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Tensor software is a class of mathematical software designed for manipulation and calculation with tensors.

Standalone software

Software for use with Mathematica

Software for use with Maple

Software for use with Matlab

Software for use with Maxima

Maxima[25] is a free open source general purpose computer algebra system which includes several packages for tensor algebra calculations in its core distribution. It is particularly useful for calculations with abstract tensors, i.e., when one wishes to do calculations without defining all components of the tensor explicitly. It comes with three tensor packages:[26]

Software for use with R

Software for use with Python

Software for use with Julia

Software for use with SageMath

Software for use with Java



  1. ^ "SPLATT - Parallel Sparse Tensor Decomposition | Karypis Lab".
  2. ^ "Cadabra: A field-theory motivated approach to computer algebra".
  3. ^ http://www.ava.fmi.fi/prog/tela.html Tela
  4. ^ "Cartan: A Mathematica package for tensor analysis". Archived from the original on 2009-05-31. Retrieved 2010-01-01. Tensors in Physics
  5. ^ http://www.math.washington.edu/~lee/Ricci/ Ricci
  6. ^ https://sites.google.com/view/xjaen-ttc/home TTC
  7. ^ http://www.inp.demokritos.gr/~sbonano/RGTC/ EDC and RGTC
  8. ^ http://home.comcast.net/~djmpark/TensorialPage.html Tensorial
  9. ^ http://www.xact.es/ xAct
  10. ^ http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/MathSource/4781/ GREAT
  11. ^ http://digi-area.com/Mathematica/atlas/ atlas 2 for Mathematica
  12. ^ http://grtensor.phy.queensu.ca/ GRTensorII
  13. ^ https://github.com/tririver/MathGR; https://arxiv.org/abs/1306.1295 MathGR
  14. ^ http://www.stargazing.net/yizen/Tensoria.html TensoriaCalc
  15. ^ Shoshany, Barak (2021). "OGRe: An Object-Oriented General Relativity Package for Mathematica". Journal of Open Source Software. 6 (65). The Open Journal: 3416. arXiv:2109.04193. doi:10.21105/joss.03416. https://github.com/bshoshany/OGRe
  16. ^ http://grtensor.phy.queensu.ca/ GRTensorII
  17. ^ http://digi-area.com/Maple/atlas/ atlas 2 for Maple
  18. ^ "Utah State University Differential Geometry Software Project | Utah State University Research | DigitalCommons@USU".
  19. ^ "Overview of the Physics Package - Maple Programming Help".
  20. ^ "Tensorlab | A Matlab package for tensor computations".
  21. ^ http://sandia.gov/~tgkolda/TensorToolbox Tensor Toolbox
  22. ^ http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/26168 MPCA and MPCA+LDA
  23. ^ UMPCA
  24. ^ http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35782 UMLDA
  25. ^ http://maxima.sourceforge.net/ Maxima on sourceforge.net
  26. ^ http://maxima.sourceforge.net/docs/manual/en/maxima_27.html#SEC90 The itensor Package Guide
  27. ^ Rougier, Jonathan (2012-05-05), tensor: Tensor product of arrays, retrieved 2016-12-10
  28. ^ Wells, James Li and Jacob Bien and Martin (2015-12-15), rTensor: Tools for Tensor Analysis and Decomposition, retrieved 2016-12-10
  29. ^ Tsuyuzaki, Koki (2020-06-04), nnTensor: Non-Negative Tensor Decomposition, retrieved 2021-03-04
  30. ^ Tsuyuzaki, Koki (2019-03-06), ttTensor: Tensor-Train Decomposition, retrieved 2021-03-04
  31. ^ Khan, Suleiman A.; Ammad-ud-din, Muhammad (2016-12-29), tensorBF: Bayesian Tensor Factorization, retrieved 2017-01-07
  32. ^ Khan, Suleiman A.; Leppäaho, Eemeli; Kaski, Samuel (2016-06-10). "Bayesian multi-tensor factorization". Machine Learning. 105 (2): 233–253. arXiv:1412.4679. doi:10.1007/s10994-016-5563-y. ISSN 0885-6125. S2CID 11871330.
  33. ^ Kossaifi, Jean; Panagakis, Yannis; Anandkumar, Anima; Pantic, Maja (2019). "TensorLy: Tensor Learning in Python". Journal of Machine Learning Research. 20 (26): 1–6.
  34. ^ https://github.com/bshoshany/OGRePy
  35. ^ yunjhongwu/TensorDecompositions.jl, 2018-09-16, retrieved 2021-03-04
  36. ^ Periša, Lana; Arslan, Alex (2019-11-13), lanaperisa/TensorToolbox.jl, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3540787, retrieved 2021-03-04
  37. ^ Fishman, Matthew; Shite, Steven R.; Stoudenmire, E. Miles (2020-06-28). "The ITensor Software Library for Tensor Network Calculations". Mathematical Software. arXiv:2007.14822v1.
  38. ^ Jutho/TensorOperations.jl, 2020-11-23, retrieved 2021-03-04
  39. ^ Nakano, Hayate (2021-02-23), ho-oto/TensorRules.jl, retrieved 2021-03-04
  40. ^ http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/ SageManifolds
  41. ^ Gibson, Adam (2017-11-11), ND4J: N-dimensional arrays for the JVM, retrieved 2016-12-10
  42. ^ Homepage: http://redberry.cc . Redberry project at Bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/redberry/redberry
  43. ^ https://github.com/ilyak/libxm libxm
  44. ^ http://www.wlandry.net/Projects/FTensor FTensor
  45. ^ http://www.cepremap.cnrs.fr/juillard/mambo/download/manual/dynare++/tl.pdf TL
  46. ^ https://vmml.github.com/vmmlib/ vmmlib
  47. ^ http://aleph0.info/spartns/ Spartns
  48. ^ http://www.cimec.org.ar/petscfem FastMat
  49. ^ "Fork of cyclops-community/ctf repository updated haphazardly, previously this was main repo location: Solomonik/ctf". GitHub. 2018-10-31.
  50. ^ "A massively-parallel, block-sparse tensor framework written in C++: ValeevGroup/tiledarray". GitHub. 2019-02-03.
  51. ^ "Downloads - iOpenShell".
  52. ^ "ITensor - Intelligent Tensor Library".
  53. ^ "A light-weight high performance SIMD based tensor algebra framework in C++11/14/17: Romeric/Fastor". GitHub. 2019-01-11.
  54. ^ "Xerus Documentation - Xerus".