The John Marshall Journal of Information Technology and Privacy Law

Academic journal
J. Marshall J. Info. Tech. & Privacy L.ISO 4John Marshall J. Inf. Technol. Priv. LawIndexing
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LCCN94657486OCLC no.30365829Links
  • Journal homepage

The John Marshall Journal of Information Technology and Privacy Law is a law review published by a student group at the John Marshall Law School (Chicago). it covers international information technology and privacy law. The journal was cited by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc.


The journal was originally established as the Software Law Journal by Michael D. Scott. In 1987, Scott invited the John Marshall Law School to assume editorial control of the journal, because of the school's commitment to education in the area of information technology law. In 1994, Scott then invited the school to merge the Software Law Journal with the Computer Law Journal, and to assume editorial control and publishing rights of the new journal.


  • Official website
  • Journal sample
  • Chicago law firms