The Fureys

The Fureys
Musika motaherri-musika
Finbar Furey (en) Itzuli
Informazio gehigarria
Musicbrainz: e4e94f73-a8b1-488a-aaba-c406dced7d29 Songkick: 69439 Discogs: 1465047 Edit the value on Wikidata

The Fureys, Irlandako folk talde bat da. 1974an Dublin hiriburuan sortu zen eta irlandar ijito jatorriko Eddie, Finbar, Paul eta George Furey anaiek sortu zuten, denboran zehar Camillus Hiney, Aidan Guilfoyle eta Dominic Leech musikariak ere kide izan dira.

Denboraldi batez The Fureys and Davey Arthur izena ere jaso zuen.


Ted Furey and Brendan Byrne

  • Toss The Feathers, Outlet, 1967

Eddie and Finbar Furey

  • Finbar and Eddie Furey, Transatlantic, 1968
  • The Lonesome Boatman, Transatlantic, 1969
  • The Dawning of the Day, Dawn, 1972
  • Four Green Fields, Pläne, 1972
  • A Dream in My Hand, Intercord, 1974
  • I Live Not Where I Love, Intercord, 1975
  • The Farewell Album, Intercord, 1976
  • I Know Where I'm Going, 1976, (with Paddie Bell)
  • The Town Is Not Their Own, HPE, 1981
  • Finbar and Eddie Furey, Harp, 1982

The Clancy Brothers (with Finbar and Eddie Furey)

  • Christmas, Columbia, 1969
  • Flowers in the Valley, Columbia, 1970

Finbar Furey

  • Traditional Irish Pipe Music, Transatlantic, 1969
  • The Irish Pipes of Finbar Furey, Nonesuch, 1972
  • Peace & Enjoyment, Love & Pleasure (with Brian McNeill)
  • Prince of Pipers, Intercord, 1974
  • Sweetest Summer Rain
  • The Finbar Furey Songbook
  • Love Letters, BMG, 1990
  • The Wind and the Rain, Nora, 1997
  • Chasing Moonlight, Hybrid, 2003
  • New York Girls, Rough Diamond, 2003, (EP)

Ted Furey

  • Irish Folk Music, Arfolk, 1972

The Buskers

  • Life of a Man, Rubber Records, 1973
  • The Buskers, Hawk, 1974

The Fureys and Bob Stewart

  • Tomorrow We Part, Crescent, 1976
  • Aran: Celtic Gypsy Music, 1999

The Furey Family

  • The Furey Family, Intercord, 1977

The Fureys and Davey Arthur

  • Emigrant, Polydor, 1977
  • Morning on a Distant Shore, Polydor, 1977
  • Banshee, Dolby, 1978
  • The Green Fields of France, Banshee, 1979
  • The Sound of the Fureys and Davey Arthur, Polydor, 1980
  • When You Were Sweet Sixteen, Banshee, 1982
  • Steal Away, Banshee, 1983
  • In Concert, RTÉ, 1983
  • Golden Days, K-Tel, 1984
  • At The End of the Day, K-Tel, 1985
  • The First Leaves of Autumn, 1986
  • Red Rose Café/Irish Eyes/Sitting Alone, 1987,(EP)
  • Dublin Songs, 1988
  • Poor Man's Dream, 1988
  • The Scattering, 1988
  • Alcoholidays
  • The Best of the Fureys and Davey Arthur, 1993

The Fureys

  • Wind of Change, Shanachie, 1992
  • Claddagh Road, 1994
  • May We All Someday Meet Again, 1996
  • Twenty One Years On, 1999
  • The Essential Fureys, 2001
  • The Fureys Sing Chaplin, 2001
  • My Father's House, 2003
  • I Will Love You, 2003
  • 25th Anniversary Collection, 2003
  • My Father's House, 2005
  • The Times They Are a Changing 2014


  • The Lonesome Boatman

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  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q1349865
  • Identifikadoreak
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 442149294400380522601
  • ISNI: 0000000115376498
  • BNF: 14262576d (data)
  • BIBSYS: 6085275
  • Wd Datuak: Q1349865