Operasi Crossroads

Operation Crossroads
Awan berbentuk jamur dan cipratan air akibat ledakan nuklir bawah air Baker pada 25 Juli 1946.
NegaraAmerika Serikat
TempatNE Lagoon, Bikini Atoll
Jumlah pengujian2
Jenis pengujianDijatuhkan dari langit ke dasar laut
Kekuatan maks.23 kiloton TNT (96 TJ)
Kronologi rangkaian uji coba
← Trinity
Sandstone →

Operasi Crossroads adalah serangkaian uji coba nuklir yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat di Atol Bikini, Samudera Pasifik, pada musim panas 1946. Tujuan operasi ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh senjata nuklir terhadap kapal angkatan laut. Tekanan untuk membatalkan operasi ini datang dari para ilmuwan dan diplomat. Para ilmuwan yang terlibat dalam Proyek Manhattan menilai bahwa operasi tersebut tidak perlu dilakukan karena membahayakan lingkungan. Riset yang dilakukan oleh Los Alamos menunjukkan bahwa uji coba ini akan mengubah "kondisi air di sekitar permukaan ledakan menjadi cairan mematikan" akibat radioaktif. Untuk mempersiapkan uji coba ini, penduduk asli Bikini dipindahkan ke pulau-pulau yang lebih kecil dan tidak berpenghuni.[1]

Bom yang digunakan adalah Baker, senjata 23-kiloton nuklir yang diledakkan di bawah laut Bikini Atoll pada tahun 1946. Kapal laut yang mengambil foto dokumentasi pun relatif dekat, serta tidak diberi perlindungan terhadap dampak ledakan.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Niedenthal, Jack (2008), A Short History of the People of Bikini Atoll, diakses tanggal 2009-12-05 


  • Bradley, David (1948), No Place to Hide, Boston: Little, Brown, OCLC 622505066 
  • Bulletin Editors (1946), "Operation Crossroads: The Effect of the Atomic Bomb on Naval Power", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Chicago (Vol. 1, No. 5, February 15. 1946), hlm. 1 Pemeliharaan CS1: Teks tambahan: authors list (link)
  • Campbell, Richard H. (2005), The Silverplate Bombers: A History and Registry of the Enola Gay and Other B-29s Configured to Carry Atomic Bombs, Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, ISBN 0-7864-2139-8, OCLC 58554961 
  • Christman, Albert B. (1998), Target Hiroshima: Deak Parsons and the Creation of the Atomic Bomb, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, ISBN 1-55750-120-3, OCLC 38257982 
  • Compton, Arthur H. (1956), Atomic Quest, New York: Oxford University Press, OCLC 173307 
  • Coster-Mullen, John (2003), Atom Bombs: The Top Secret Inside Story of Little Boy and Fat Man, Milwaukee: Self published 
  • Daly, Thomas N. (1986), "Crossroads at Bikini", Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland (Vol. 112, No. 7, July 1986), hlm. 65–74, ISSN 0041-798X 
  • Davis, Jeffrey (1994), "Bombing Bikini Again (This Time With Money): Decades after their Atoll was Nearly Vaporized by Nuclear Tests, Bikinians Consider Selling their Home to Americans – as an Atomic Theme Park", New York Times Magazine, New York (May 1, 1994), ISSN 0028-7822, diakses tanggal November 8, 2009 
  • Delgado, James P. (1991), The Archeology of the Atomic Bomb: A Submerged Cultural Resources Assessment of the Sunken Fleet of Operation Crossroads at Bikini and Kwajalein Atoll Lagoons, Santa Fe, New Mexico: National Park Service, ASIN B0014H9NEW, diakses tanggal November 8, 2009 
  • Delgado, James P. (1996), Ghost Fleet: The Sunken Ships of Bikini Atoll, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN 978-0-8248-1864-7 
  • Fletcher, E. Royce (1977), "Nuclear Bomb Effects Computer", dalam Glasstone, Samuel; Dolan, Philip, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons (edisi ke-3rd), Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office: 1977 O-213-794, diakses tanggal December 16, 2009 
  • Glasstone, Samuel (1967), Sourcebook on Atomic Energy (edisi ke-3rd), Huntington, New York: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc. (1979 reprint edition), ISBN 978-0-88275-898-5 
  • Glasstone, Samuel; Dolan, Philip (1977), The Effects of Nuclear Weapons (edisi ke-3rd), Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office: 1977 O-213-794, ISBN 0-16-002036-0 
  • Groves, Leslie (1962), Now It Can Be Told: The Story of the Manhattan Project, New York: Harper, ISBN 0-306-70738-1, OCLC 537684 
  • Hansen, Chuck (1995), Volume VII: The Development of US Nuclear Weapons, Swords of Armageddon: US Nuclear Weapons Development since 1945, Sunnyvale, California: Chukelea Publications, ISBN 978-0-9791915-1-0, OCLC 231585284 
  • Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (1996), Thaul, William; Page, William F.; Crawford, Harriet, ed., The Five Series Study: Mortality of Veteran Participants in the CROSSROADS Nuclear Test: Study pursuant to 1983 Public Law 98–160, Washington, DC: National Academy Press, ISBN 978-0-585-14895-3, OCLC 43477109, diakses tanggal May 16, 2009 
  • Life Editors (1947), "What Science Learned at Bikini", Life, New York (Vol. 23, No. 16, August 11, 1947), hlm. 74–85, ISSN 0024-3019 Pemeliharaan CS1: Teks tambahan: authors list (link)
  • Navy History and Heritage Command (2002), Operation Crossroads: Fact Sheet, Washington, DC, diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 24, 2012, diakses tanggal January 1, 2008 
  • Newson, Henry W. (1945), Memorandum to Norris Bradbury, December 17, 1945, Possible Difficulties in Naval Tests, Los Alamos, New Mexico: Los Alamos National Laboratory, DOE/CIC 120851 
  • Oertling, Thomas James (1996), Ships' Bilge Pumps: a History of their Development, 1500–1900, Vancouver, BC: Texas A&M University Press, ISBN 978-0-89096-722-5 
  • Peterson, Howard C. (1946), Memorandum to General J. Lawton Collins, February 12, 1946, Washington, DC: Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, RG 107 (Atomic Energy Folder), National Archives 
  • Shurcliff, William A. (1946), Operation Crossroads: The Official Pictorial Record, New York: William H. Wise and Co., OCLC 1223420, diakses tanggal December 14, 2009 
  • Shurcliff, William A. (1947), Bombs at Bikini: The Official Report of Operation Crossroads, New York: William H. Wise and Co., OCLC 1492066, diakses tanggal December 14, 2009 
  • Strauss, Lewis (1962), Men and Decisions, Garden City, New York: Doubleday, OCLC 456825 
  • Szilard, Leo (1978), Weart, Spencer R.; Szilard, Gertrude Weiss, ed., Leo Szilard: his Version of the Facts: Selected Recollections and Correspondence, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, Bibcode:1979lshv.book.....W, ISBN 978-0-262-69070-6 
  • Warren, Stafford L. (1947), "Conclusions: Tests Proved Irresistible Spread of Radioactivity", Life, New York (Vol. 23, No. 16, August 11, 1947), hlm. 86, 88 
  • Waters, Odale D., Jr. (1986), "Crossroads: A Tin Can Perspective", Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland (Vol. 112, No. 7, July 1986), hlm. 72–74, ISSN 0041-798X 
  • Weisgall, Jonathan (1994), Operation Crossroads: The Atomic Tests at Bikini Atoll, Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, ISBN 978-1-55750-919-2 

Pranala luar

Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Operasi Crossroads.
  • Operations Crossroads (1949) tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive
  • Atom Test Nears, 1946/06/13 (1946) tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive
  • Operations Crossroads Underway, 1946/07/01 (1946) tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive
  • First Pictures Atomic Blast!, 1946/07/08 (1946) tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive
  • Nuclear Test Film – Project Crossroads tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive (42m32s)
  • Atom Bomb (Joe Bonica's Movie of the Month) (ca. 1955) tersedia untuk unduhan gratis di Internet Archive
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The rising mushroom cloud from the Nagasaki "Fat Man" bomb, August 9, 1945
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