RNK helikaza

RNK helikaza
Dimer RNK helikaze (virus hepatitisa C)
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RNK helikaza (EC, CSFV NS3 helikaza, DBP2, DbpA, DDX17, DDX25, DDX3, DDX3X, DDX3Y, DDX4, DDX5, DEAD-box protein DED1, DEAD-kutija RNK helikaza, DEAH-kutija protein 2, DEAH-kutija RNK helikaza, DED1, Dex(H/D) RNK helikaza, EhDEAD1, EhDEAD1 RNK helikaza, eIF4A helikaza, KOKV helikaza, Mtr4p, nestrukturni protein 3 helikaza, NPH-II, RHA, RNK helikaza A, RNK helikaza DDX3, RNK helikaza Hera, RNK-zavisna ATPaza, TGBp1 NTPaza/helikaza domen, VRH1, GRTH/DDX25) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom ATP fosfohidrolaza (odvijanje RNK heliksa).[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

ATP + H2O {\displaystyle \rightleftharpoons } ADP + fosfat

RNK helikaze koriste energiju ATP hidrolize za odvijanje RNK molekula.


  1. Cordin, O., Tanner, N.K., Doere, M., Linder, P. and Banroques, J. (2004). „The newly discovered Q motif of DEAD-box RNA helicases regulates RNA-binding and helicase activity”. EMBO J. 23: 2478-2487. PMID 15201868. 
  2. Rodamilans, B. and Montoya, G. (2007). „Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the DDX3 RNA helicase domain”. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 63: 283-286. PMID 17401195. 
  3. Lee, C.G. and Hurwitz, J. (1992). „A new RNA helicase isolated from HeLa cells that catalytically translocates in the 3′ to 5′ direction”. J. Biol. Chem. 267: 4398-4407. PMID 1537828. 
  4. Li, S.C., Chung, M.C. and Chen, C.S. (2001). „Cloning and characterization of a DEAD box RNA helicase from the viable seedlings of aged mung bean”. Plant Mol. Biol. 47: 761-770. PMID 11785937. 
  5. Wu, J., Bera, A.K., Kuhn, R.J. and Smith, J.L. (2005). „Structure of the Flavivirus helicase: implications for catalytic activity, protein interactions, and proteolytic processing”. J. Virol. 79: 10268-10277. PMID 16051820. 
  6. Gross, C.H. and Shuman, S. (1998). „The nucleoside triphosphatase and helicase activities of vaccinia virus NPH-II are essential for virus replication”. J. Virol. 72: 4729-4736. PMID 9573237. 
  7. Frick, D.N. (2007). „The hepatitis C virus NS3 protein: a model RNA helicase and potential drug target”. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 9: 1-20. PMID 17263143. 
  8. Ivanov, K.A. and Ziebuhr, J. (2004). „Human coronavirus 229E nonstructural protein 13: characterization of duplex-unwinding, nucleoside triphosphatase, and RNA 5′-triphosphatase activities”. J. Virol. 78: 7833-7838. PMID 15220459. 


  • Nicholas C. Price, Lewis Stevens (1999). Fundamentals of Enzymology: The Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins (Third izd.). USA: Oxford University Press. ISBN 019850229X. 
  • Eric J. Toone (2006). Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, Protein Evolution (Volume 75 izd.). Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 0471205036. 
  • Branden C, Tooze J.. Introduction to Protein Structure. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. ISBN: 0-8153-2305-0. 
  • Irwin H. Segel. Enzyme Kinetics: Behavior and Analysis of Rapid Equilibrium and Steady-State Enzyme Systems (Book 44 izd.). Wiley Classics Library. ISBN 0471303097. 
  • Robert A. Copeland (2013). Evaluation of Enzyme Inhibitors in Drug Discovery: A Guide for Medicinal Chemists and Pharmacologists (2nd izd.). Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 111848813X. 
  • Gerhard Michal, Dietmar Schomburg (2012). Biochemical Pathways: An Atlas of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2nd izd.). Wiley. ISBN 0470146842. 

Spoljašnje veze

  • p
  • r
  • u
EC1 Oksidoreduktaze/spisak  • EC2 Transferaze/spisak  • EC3 Hidrolaze/spisak  • EC4 Lijaze/spisak  • EC5 Izomeraze/spisak  • EC6 Ligaze/spisak
B enzm: 1.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/10/11/13/14/15-18, 2.1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8, 2.7.10, 2.7.11-12, 3.1/2/3/4/5/6/7,, 3.4.21/22/23/24, 4.1/2/3/4/5/6, 5.1/2/3/4/99, 6.1-3/4/5-6