Hebestola nebulosa

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Hebestola nebulosa
KlassEgentliga insekter
ArtHebestola nebulosa
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Hebestola nebulosa
AuktorHaldeman, 1847
Cacoplia nebulosa Turnbow & Franklin, 1980[1]
Cacoplia nebulosa Chemsak, 1977[2]
Cacoplia nebulosa Gosling & Gosling, 1976[3]
Cacoplia nebulosa Breuning, 1961[4]
Cacoplia nebulosa Knull, 1960[5]
Cacoplia nebulosa Knull, 1960[5]
Cacoplia pullata Fattig, 1947[6]
Cacoplia nebulosa Fattig, 1947[6]
Cacoplia nebulosa Knull, 1946[7]
Cacoplia pullata Löding, 1945[8]
Cacoplia nebulosa Breuning, 1944[9]
Cacoplia nebulosa Breuning, 1943[10]
Cacoplia nebulosa Dillon & Dillon, 1941[11]
Cacoplia pulla Brimley, 1938[12]
Cacoplia pullata Belkin, 1934[13]
Cacoplia pullata Leonard, 1928[14]
Cacoplia pullata Kirk & Knull, 1926[15]
Cacoplia nebulosa Aurivillius, 1922[16]
Cacoplia pullata Leng, 1920[17]
Cacoplia pullata Britton, 1920[18]
Cacoplia pullata Smith, 1910[19]
Cacoplia pullata Leng, 1910[20]
Cacoplia pullata Blatchley, 1910[21]
Cacoplia pullata Davis, 1909[22]
Cacoplia pullata Felt, 1906[23]
Cacoplia pullata Dury, 1906[24]
Cacoplia pullata Ulke, 1903[25]
Cacoplia pullata Klages, 1901[26]
Cacoplia pullata Smith, 1900[27]
Cacoplia pullata Leng & Hamilton, 1896[28]
Cacoplia pullata Beutenmüller, 1896[29]
Cacoplia pullata Gemminger & Harold, 1873[30]
Cacoplia pruinosa Gemminger & Harold, 1873[30]
Cacoplia pruinosa Thomson, 1864[31]
Cacoplia pruinosa Bland, 1861[32]
Saperda pullata Melsheimer, 1853[33]
Cacoplia pullata LeConte, 1853[34]
Cacoplia pruinosa LeConte, 1853[34]
Saperda pullata LeConte, 1852[35]
Cacoplia pruinosa LeConte, 1852[35]
Saperda pullata Haldeman, 1847[36]
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Hebestola nebulosa[36] är en skalbaggsart som beskrevs av Samuel Stehman Haldeman 1847. Hebestola nebulosa ingår i släktet Hebestola och familjen långhorningar.[37][38] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[37]


  1. ^ TURNBOW R. H. Jr. & FRANKLIN R. T. (1980) An annotated checklist of the Cerambycidae of Georgia (Coleoptera), Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society 15 (3): 337-349.
  2. ^ CHEMSAK John A. (1977) A list of types of Cerambycidae at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (Coleoptera), The Coleopterists' Bulletin 31 (2): 173-179.
  3. ^ GOSLING D. C. L. & GOSLING N. M. (1976) An annotated list of the Cerambycidae of Michigan (Coleoptera) Part II, the subfamilies Lepturinae and Lamiinae, The Great Lakes Entomologist, Detroit 10 (1): 1-37, figs 62-183.
  4. ^ BREUNING Stephan (1961) Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde, Verlag des Museums G. Frey, Tutzing bei München (5): 287-382.
  5. ^ [a b] KNULL Josef Nissley (1960) A New Subspecies of Cacoplia nebulosa (Hald.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Entomological News, Philadelphia 71 (5): 116.
  6. ^ [a b] FATTIG P. W. (1947) The Cerambycidae or long-horned beetles of Georgia, Emory University Museum Bulletin 5: 1-48.
  7. ^ KNULL Josef Nissley (1946) The long-horned beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus 7 (4) 39: 133-354, 29 pls. (Ohio State University Studies 7, n° 4).
  8. ^ LÖDING Henry Peter (1945) Catalogue of the beetles of Alabama, Geological Survey of Alabama Monograph 11: 1-172.
  9. ^ BREUNING Stephan (1944) Études sur les Lamiaires (Coleop. Cerambycidæ). Douzième tribu : Agniini Thomson., Novitates Entomologicæ, 3ème supplément (107-135): 281-512, figs 158-305.
  10. ^ BREUNING Stephan (1943) Études sur les Lamiaires (Coleop. Cerambycidæ). Douzième tribu : Agniini Thomson., Novitates Entomologicæ, 3ème supplément (89-106): 137-280, figs 1-157.
  11. ^ DILLON L. S. & DILLON E. S. (1941) The tribe Monochamini in the Western Hemisphere (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), Scientific Publications Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, Pennsylvania 1: 1-135, 5 pls.
  12. ^ BRIMLEY C. S. (1938) The insects of North Carolina, Being a List of the Insects of North Carolina and Their Close Relatives, Raleigh. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Division Entomology 560 pp.
  13. ^ BELKIN John N. (1934) Additions to the New York State list of insects., Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 28 (4): 220-222.
  14. ^ LEONARD Mortimer Demarest (1928) A list of the insects of New York with a list of the spiders and certain other allied groups, Memoir of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca 101: 1-1121, 1 map.
  15. ^ KIRK H. B. & KNULL H. N. (1926) Annotated list of the Cerambycidae of Pennsylvania, The Canadian Entomologist, Ontario 58 (2): 39-46.
  16. ^ AURIVILLIUS Christopher (1922) Cerambycidae : Lamiinae. I, Coleopterorum Catalogus pars 73 [vol. 23] I: 1-322, W. Junk & S. Schenkling, Berlin.
  17. ^ LENG Charles William (1920) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico, Mount Vernon, N. Y., John D. Sherman Jr., 470 pp.
  18. ^ BRITTON Wilton Everett (1920) Check-list of the insects of Connecticut, Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 31: 1-397.
  19. ^ SMITH John Bernhardt (1910) A report of the insects of New Jersey (Order Coleoptera), Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum, Trenton 1910: 1-880, 340 figs.
  20. ^ LENG Charles William (1910) Notes on Coleoptera collected on northern Georgia., Journal of the New York Entomological Society 18 (2): 71-82.
  21. ^ BLATCHLEY Willis Stanley (1910) An Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of the Coleoptera or Beetles (exclusive of the Rhynchophora) Known to Occur in Indiana - With Bibliography and Descriptions of New Species, Bulletin of the Indiana Department of Geological and Natural Resources, Indianapolis 1: 1-1386, 595 figs.
  22. ^ DAVIS William Thompson (1909) The Camp at Lakehurst., Journal of the New York Entomological Society 17 (3): 95-98.
  23. ^ FELT Ephraim Porter (1906) Insects affecting park and woodland trees, Memoirs of the New York State Museum 8 (142): 333-877, figs 64-223 + pls 49-70.
  24. ^ DURY Charles (1906) Additions to the list of Cincinnati Coleoptera, Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History 20: 257-260.
  25. ^ ULKE Henry (1903) A list of the Beetles of the District of Columbia., Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Washington D. C. 25 (1275): 1-57.
  26. ^ KLAGES Edward Alfred (1901) Supplement to Dr. John Hamilton's list of the Coleoptera of southwestern Pennsylvania, Annals of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh 1: 265-294.
  27. ^ SMITH John Bernhardt (1900) Insects of New Jersey. A list of the species occuring in New Jersey, with notes on those of economic importance (Order Coleoptera), Supplement of the 27th Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, Trenton [1899]: 1-755, 328 figs, 2 maps.
  28. ^ LENG C. W. & HAMILTON J. (1896) Synopsis of the Cerambycidæ of North America. Part III, The Lamiinæ, Transactions of the American Entomological Society, Philadelphia 23: 101-178.
  29. ^ BEUTENMÜLLER William (1896) Food habits of North America Cerambycidae, Journal of the New York Entomological Society 4: 73-81.
  30. ^ [a b] GEMMINGER Max & von HAROLD Edgar (1873) Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus, Munich 10: 2989-3232 & index
  31. ^ THOMSON James (1864) Systema cerambycidarum ou exposé de tous les genres compris dans la famille des cérambycides et familles limitrophes, Mémoires de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 19: 1-540.
  32. ^ BLAND James H. B. (1861) Catalogue of the longicorn Coleoptera taken at the vicinity of Philadelphia, Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 1: 93-101.
  33. ^ MELSHEIMER Friedrich Ernst (1853) Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution xvi + 174 pp.
  34. ^ [a b] LECONTE John Lawrence (1853) Descriptions of Twenty new species of Coleoptera inhabiting the United States., Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6: 226-235.
  35. ^ [a b] LECONTE John Lawrence (1852) An attempt to classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America North of Mexico., Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ser. 2) 2: 139-178.
  36. ^ [a b] HALDEMAN Samuel Stehman (1847) Material towards a history of the Coleoptera Longicornia of the United States, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (2)10: 27-66.
  37. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (23 september 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/hebestola+nebulosa/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012. 
  38. ^ TITAN: Cerambycidae database. Tavakilian G., 2009-05-25