List of University of Alberta honorary degree recipients

This is a list of honorary degree recipients from the University of Alberta.


  • Susan Aglukark LL.D. (2005)
  • Sir James Albert Manning Aikins LL.D. (1921)
  • William Donald Albright LL.D. (1946)
  • Anne Anderson LL.D. (1978)
  • William Hardy Alexander LL.D. (1933)
  • Frances Elizabeth Allen D.Sc. (1991)
  • Doris Hilda Anderson LL.D. (1973)
  • John Ansel Anderson LL.D. (1965)
  • Margaret Weir Andrekson LL.D. (1987)
  • Catherine Brodie Andrews LL.D. (1966)
  • Ted Tetsuo Aoki LL.D. (1992)
  • Albert Ernest Archer LL.D. (1948)
  • Violet Archer D.Litt. (1993)
  • Earl of Athlone LL.D. (1943)
  • Laura Margaret Attrux LL.D. (1970)





  • Dorothy Jean Easton LL.D. (1986)
  • W. Everard Edmunds LL.D. (1955)
  • Gladys McKelvie Egbert LL.D. (1965)
  • William Egbert LL.D. (1927)
  • Sheila Agnes Egoff LL.D. (1985)
  • James Frank Elliott LL.D. (1994)
  • William Harold Epstein LL.D. (1984)
  • Richard Bryan Erb D.Sc. (1990)
  • Georges Erasmus LL.D. (1997)
  • Eric Ericson LL.D. (1996)







  • Walter Kaasa D.Litt. (1993)
  • Jacob Gordin Kaplan D.Sc. (1988)
  • Tawakkol Karman LL.D. (2012)
  • Ernest Sydney Keeping LL.D. (1972)
  • George William Kerby LL.D. (1937)
  • William Alexander Robb Kerr LL.D. (1933)
  • Larkin Kerwin LL.D. (1983)
  • Nathan Keyfitz LL.D. (1984)
  • Egerton Warren King D.Sc. (1988)
  • Yukio Kobayashi LL.D. (1993)
  • Arthur Kroeger LL.D. (2004)
  • Robert Kroetsch D.Litt. (1997)
  • Doris Kule LL.D. (2005)
  • Peter Kule LL.D. (2005)
  • Hiroshi Kurimoto LL.D. (1993)
  • Shizu Kurimoto LL.D. (1987)
  • Yuichi Kurimoto LL.D. (1964)



  • Robert Alexander Leslie Macbeth D.Sc. (1988)
  • Donald Neil Maccharles LL.D. (1959)
  • Hugh John Macdonald LL.D. (1961)
  • John Hugh Macdonald LL.D. (1960)
  • Murray William Macdonald LL.D. (1978)
  • John Malcolm Maceachran LL.D. (1933)
  • John Walter Grant Macewan LL.D. (1966)
  • Joseph Arthur Macfarlane LL.D. (1965)
  • James Grierson Macgregor, Sr LL.D. (1971)
  • James Grierson Macgregor, Jr D.Sc. (1999)
  • Charles Malcolm Macinnes LL.D. (1958)
  • Frank Campbell Macintosh LL.D. (1964)
  • Norman Archibald MacRae Mackenzie LL.D. (1950)
  • Ross Anderson Mackimmie LL.D. (1963)
  • James Angus Mackinnon LL.D. (1948)
  • Vladimir Nicolaus Mackiw D.Sc. (1976)
  • Hector Robertson Maclean LL.D. (1977)
  • James Alexander Maclean LL.D. (1916)
  • Lloyd Douglas Maclean D.Sc. (1989)
  • Alistair MacLeod D.Litt. (2002)
  • Charles Malcolm Macleod LL.D. (1959)
  • John Edward Annand Macleod LL.D. (1958)
  • Joseph Neil Macneil LL.D. (1982)
  • Harold Alexander Macneil LL.D. (1977)
  • Earle Douglas Macphee LL.D. (1957)
  • Cécile E. Mactaggart LL.D. (2006)
  • Sandy Auld Mactaggart LL.D. (1990)
  • Charles Alexander Magrath LL.D. (1940)
  • Gerald James Maier LL.D. (1999)
  • Madame Antonine Maillet LL.D. (1979)
  • Joseph MacMillan Malone LL.D. (1986)
  • Ernest Charles Manning LL.D. (1948)
  • Frederick Charles Mannix LL.D. (1970)
  • Christian Peter Marker LL.D. (1924)
  • Allan Markin LL.D. (2002)
  • Ethel Anne Marliss D.Litt. (1989)
  • Joseph B. Martin D.Sc. (1998)
  • Ronald Martland LL.D. (1964)
  • Arnold Whitney Matthews LL.D. (1967)
  • Donald F. Mazankowski LL.D. (1993)
  • Helen Griffith Wylie Mcarthur LL.D. (1964)
  • Arthur Gilbert Mccalla D.Sc. (1981)
  • William Copeland Mccalla LL.D. (1956)
  • Doris McCarthy LL.D. (2002)
  • George B. McClellan LL.D. (1978)
  • Ruth Elizabeth Mcclure LL.D. (1984)
  • Hazel Rutherford Mccuaig LL.D. (1964)
  • Mattie Louise Mccullough LL.D. (1983)
  • Sherburne Mccurdy LL.D. (1986)
  • David Cargill Mcdonald LL.D. (1985)
  • Alfred Clayton Mcghan LL.D. (1981)
  • Pauline Mills Mcgibbon LL.D. (1967)
  • Ian Nicholson McKinnon LL.D. (1961)
  • Madame Justice Beverley M. McLachlin LL.D. (1991)
  • Barbara Mclaren LL.D. (1968)
  • Colin Campbell Mclaurin LL.D. (1961)
  • David George Alexander McLean LL.D. (1994)
  • Lionel Everett Mcleod D.Sc. (1988)
  • Herbert Marshall McLuhan LL.D. (1971)
  • George Frederick Mcnally LL.D. (1946)
  • Gary William Wilcox Mcpherson LL.D. (1995)
  • David George Mcqueen LL.D. (1915)
  • Peter Brian Medawar LL.D. (1963)
  • Frank Hamilton Mewburn LL.D. (1922)
  • Daniel Roland Michener LL.D. (1967)
  • Carl Stinson Miller LL.D. (1971)
  • Frank Robert Miller LL.D. (1965)
  • Associate Chief Justice Tevie H. Miller LL.D. (1991)
  • Horatio Ray Milner LL.D. (1952)
  • Stanley Albert Milner LL.D. (1994)
  • James V. Hogarth Milvain LL.D. (1979)
  • Betty Mitchell LL.D. (1958)
  • Charles Richmond Mitchell LL.D. (1939)
  • Sir Harold Mitchell LL.D. (1970)
  • W. O. Mitchell D.Litt. (1975)
  • Leo Mol LL.D. (1985)
  • Mary Bowlen Mooney LL.D. (1969)
  • William Kenneth Moore LL.D. (1988)
  • Ibrahim Follansbee Morrison LL.D. (1953)
  • William George Morrow LL.D. (1974)
  • Elizabeth Homer Morton LL.D. (1969)
  • Sir James Frederick Mountford LL.D. (1958)
  • James Muir LL.D. (1915)
  • Monsignor Athol Murray LL.D. (1975)
  • Walter Charles Murray LL.D. (1915)
  • James Fraser Mustard D.Sc. (1999)
  • Gordon Edward Myers D.Sc. (1990)


  • Tattanahall Lakshminarayani Nagabhushan D.Sc. (1995)
  • Raymond Nelson LL.D. (1998)
  • Eric P. Newell LL.D. (2002)
  • Robert Newton LL.D. (1950)
  • Patrick Joseph Nicholson LL.D. (1950)
  • Arne Rudolph Nielsen D.Sc. (2000)
  • Charles Sherwood Noble LL.D. (1952)
  • Antoine A. Noujaim D.Sc. (2001)



  • John Percy Page LL.D. (1961)
  • Alfred Ernest Pallister LL.D. (1987)
  • Mary Irene Parlby LL.D. (1935)
  • Harold Hayward Parlee LL.D. (1948)
  • Margaret Agnes Parsons LL.D. (1970)
  • Richard MacGregor Parsons LL.D. (1971)
  • Gilbert Currie Paterson LL.D. (1960)
  • Mabel Patrick LL.D. (1965)
  • Frederic William Patterson LL.D. (1922)
  • Gordon Neil Patterson LL.D. (1958)
  • Andrew Pattullo LL.D. (1982)
  • Ben Iden Payne LL.D. (1962)
  • Gordon Peacock LL.D. (1990)
  • Hugh John Sanders Pearson LL.D. (1992)
  • Bruce B. Peel LL.D. (1991)
  • Walter Joseph Phillips LL.D. (1960)
  • William Eric Phillips LL.D. (1958)
  • Eliot A Phillipson OC, MD, FCAHS (2009)
  • Madame Justice Ellen Irene Picard LL.D. (1992)
  • Wilfrid Pilkington LL.D. (1979)
  • Arnold William Platt LL.D. (1965)
  • Mary Sharon Pollock LL.D. (2005)
  • George Pólya LL.D. (1961)
  • Vere Brabazon Ponsonby LL.D. (1932)
  • John Edward Poole LL.D. (1987)
  • Francis Ethelbert Priestley D.Litt. (1973)
  • James Taggart Priestley LL.D. (1956)
  • Kenneth Harold Prior LL.D. (1954)
  • Pearl L. Prior LL.D. (1954)
  • Omeljan Pritsak D.Litt. (1985)
  • Katharine Allison Proctor LL.D. (1946)
  • Kenneth Aubrey Pugh LL.D. (1967)


  • Stephen Russel Ramsankar LL.D. (1989)
  • Allan Coats Rankin LL.D. (1946)
  • Bruce Irving Rankin LL.D. (1983)
  • John Erskine Read LL.D. (1968)
  • Lloyd George Reynolds LL.D. (1958)
  • George Richard Agar Rice LL.D. (1966)
  • John Henry Riddell LL.D. (1915)
  • Bernard Ewald Riedel D.Sc. (1990)
  • Marguerite Elizabeth Ritchie LL.D. (1975)
  • Isobel Margaret Robinson LL.D. (1981)
  • Adi Roche LL.D. (2001)
  • Douglas Roche LL.D. (1986)
  • Frank Gilbert Roe LL.D. (1951)
  • Chester Alvin Ronning LL.D. (1965)
  • Elmer Ernest Roper LL.D. (1959)
  • John Thomas Ross LL.D. (1930)
  • Monsignor Henri Routhier LL.D. (1986)
  • Andrew Russell LL.D. (1997)
  • Loris Shano Russell LL.D. (1958)
  • Alexander Cameron Rutherford LL.D. (1908)
  • Claude Ryan LL.D. (1998)




  • Jules Joseph Arthur Van Brabant LL.D. (1984)
  • Maurice Lewis Van Vliet LL.D. (1979)
  • Monsignor Ferdinand Vandry LL.D. (1949)
  • John Ross Vant LL.D. (1980)
  • David George Vice LL.D. (1990)
  • Cardinal Jean-Marie Rodrigue Villeneuve LL.D. (1936)
  • Henry Viscardi, Jr LL.D. (1981)





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University of Alberta
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See also