Miscellaneous Symbols

Unicode block
Unicode character block
(1991)106 (+106)3.0 (1999)109 (+3)3.2 (2002)133 (+24)4.0 (2003)145 (+12)4.1 (2005)175 (+30)5.0 (2006)176 (+1)5.1 (2008)191 (+15)5.2 (2009)250 (+59)6.0 (2010)256 (+6) Unicode documentationCode chart ∣ Web pageNote: [1][2]
This article contains Unicode emoticons or emojis. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of the intended characters.

Miscellaneous Symbols is a Unicode block (U+2600–U+26FF) containing glyphs representing concepts from a variety of categories: astrological, astronomical, chess, dice, musical notation, political symbols, recycling, religious symbols, trigrams, warning signs, and weather, among others.


Compact table

Miscellaneous Symbols[1]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.1


Miscellaneous Symbols Unicode block
Official Name Glyph Unicode # HTML Common meaning
Black sun with rays U+2600 ☀ Clear weather
Cloud U+2601 ☁ Cloud, cloudy weather
Umbrella U+2602 ☂ Umbrella, rainy weather
Snowman U+2603 ☃ Snowman, snowy weather
Comet U+2604 ☄
Black star U+2605 ★
White star U+2606 ☆
Lightning U+2607 ☇ Lightning
Thunderstorm U+2608 ☈ Thunderstorm
Sun U+2609 ☉ Sun, gold
Ascending node U+260A ☊
Descending node U+260B ☋
Conjunction U+260C ☌ Open circuit
Opposition U+260D ☍ Closed circuit
Black telephone U+260E ☎
White telephone U+260F ☏
Ballot box U+2610 ☐ Check box, optional information
Ballot box with check U+2611 ☑
Ballot box with X U+2612 ☒
Saltire U+2613 ☓
Umbrella with raindrops ☔︎ U+2614 ☔ Showery weather
Hot beverage ☕︎ U+2615 ☕ Tea, coffee, hot chocolate
White shogi piece U+2616 ☖
Black shogi piece U+2617 ☗
Shamrock U+2618 ☘ Good luck
Reversed rotated floral heart bullet U+2619 ☙ Binding signature mark
Black left pointing index U+261A ☚
Black right pointing index U+261B ☛
White left pointing index U+261C ☜
White up pointing index U+261D ☝
White right pointing index U+261E ☞
White down pointing index U+261F ☟
Skull and crossbones U+2620 ☠ Poison, death
Caution sign U+2621 ☡
Radioactive sign U+2622 ☢ Toxic hazard, nuclear fallout
Biohazard sign U+2623 ☣ Disease, epidemic, pandemic
Caduceus U+2624 ☤ Trade
Ankh U+2625 ☥ Religious symbol
Orthodox cross U+2626 ☦ Patriarchal cross
Chi Rho U+2627 ☧ Labarum
Cross of Lorraine U+2628 ☨ Patriarchal cross
Cross of Jerusalem U+2629 ☩ Cross potent
Star and crescent U+262A ☪ Emblem of Turkey; Islam
Farsi symbol U+262B ☫ Emblem of Iran
Adi shakti U+262C ☬ Khanda
Hammer and sickle U+262D ☭ Communism
Peace symbol U+262E ☮ Peace
Yin yang U+262F ☯ Taoism, balance
Trigram for Heaven U+2630 ☰
Trigram for Lake U+2631 ☱
Trigram for Fire U+2632 ☲
Trigram for Thunder U+2633 ☳
Trigram for Wind U+2634 ☴
Trigram for Water U+2635 ☵
Trigram for Mountain U+2636 ☶
Trigram for Earth U+2637 ☷
Wheel of Dharma U+2638 ☸
White frowning face U+2639 ☹
White smiling face U+263A ☺
Black smiling face U+263B ☻
White sun with rays U+263C ☼ Compass
First quarter moon U+263D ☽ Silver
Last quarter moon U+263E ☾
Mercury U+263F ☿ Mercury (planet), mercury (element), Hermaphrodite
Venus U+2640 ♀ Venus (planet), copper, femininity, Woman
Earth U+2641 ♁ Antimony
Mars U+2642 ♂ Mars (planet), iron, masculinity, Man
Jupiter U+2643 ♃ Jupiter (planet), tin
Saturn U+2644 ♄ Saturn (planet), lead
Uranus U+2645 ♅ For the astronomical symbol see U+26E2
Neptune U+2646 ♆ Neptune (planet)
Pluto U+2647 ♇ Pluto
Aries ♈︎ U+2648 ♈ Aries (constellation)
Taurus ♉︎ U+2649 ♉ Taurus (constellation)
Gemini ♊︎ U+264A ♊ Gemini (constellation)
Cancer ♋︎ U+264B ♋ Cancer (constellation)
Leo ♌︎ U+264C ♌ Leo (constellation)
Virgo ♍︎ U+264D ♍ Virgo (constellation)
Libra ♎︎ U+264E ♎ Libra (constellation)
Scorpius ♏︎ U+264F ♏ Scorpius (constellation), minim
Sagittarius ♐︎ U+2650 ♐ Sagittarius (constellation)
Capricorn ♑︎ U+2651 ♑ Capricornus (constellation)
Aquarius ♒︎ U+2652 ♒ Aquarius (constellation)
Pisces ♓︎ U+2653 ♓ Pisces (constellation)
White chess king U+2654 ♔
White chess queen U+2655 ♕
White chess rook U+2656 ♖
White chess bishop U+2657 ♗
White chess knight U+2658 ♘
White chess pawn U+2659 ♙
Black chess king U+265A ♚
Black chess queen U+265B ♛
Black chess rook U+265C ♜
Black chess bishop U+265D ♝
Black chess knight U+265E ♞
Black chess pawn U+265F ♟
Black spade suit U+2660 ♠
White heart suit U+2661 ♡
White diamond suit U+2662 ♢
Black club suit U+2663 ♣
White spade suit U+2664 ♤
Black heart suit U+2665 ♥
Black diamond suit U+2666 ♦
White club suit U+2667 ♧
Hot springs U+2668 ♨ Onsen
Quarter note U+2669 ♩ Crotchet
Eighth note U+266A ♪ Quaver
Beamed eighth notes U+266B ♫ Linked quavers
Beamed sixteenth notes U+266C ♬ Linked semi-quavers
Music flat sign U+266D ♭
Music natural sign U+266E ♮
Music sharp sign U+266F ♯
West Syriac cross U+2670 ♰
East Syriac cross U+2671 ♱
Universal recycling symbol U+2672 ♲
Recycling symbol for type-1 plastics U+2673 ♳
Recycling symbol for type-2 plastics U+2674 ♴
Recycling symbol for type-3 plastics U+2675 ♵
Recycling symbol for type-4 plastics U+2676 ♶
Recycling symbol for type-5 plastics U+2677 ♷
Recycling symbol for type-6 plastics U+2678 ♸
Recycling symbol for type-7 plastics U+2679 ♹
Recycling symbol for generic materials U+267A ♺
Black universal recycling symbol U+267B ♻
Recycled paper symbol U+267C ♼
Partially-recycled paper symbol U+267D ♽
Permanent paper sign U+267E ♾
Wheelchair symbol ♿︎ U+267F ♿
Die face-1 U+2680 ⚀
Die face-2 U+2681 ⚁
Die face-3 U+2682 ⚂
Die face-4 U+2683 ⚃
Die face-5 U+2684 ⚄
Die face-6 U+2685 ⚅
White circle with dot right U+2686 ⚆
White circle with two dots U+2687 ⚇
Black circle with white dot right U+2688 ⚈
Black circle with two white dots U+2689 ⚉
Monogram for yang U+268A ⚊
Monogram for yin U+268B ⚋
Digram for greater yang U+268C ⚌
Digram for lesser yin U+268D ⚍
Digram for lesser yang U+268E ⚎
Digram for greater yin U+268F ⚏
White flag U+2690 ⚐ From KPS 9566. Map symbol for a battle site.[3]
Black flag U+2691 ⚑ From KPS 9566. Map symbol for a battle site.[3]
Hammer and pick U+2692 ⚒ Mining, working day
Anchor ⚓︎ U+2693 ⚓ Nautical term, harbor
Crossed swords U+2694 ⚔ Military term, battleground, killed in action
Rod of Asclepius U+2695 ⚕ Medical term
Scales U+2696 ⚖ Legal term, jurisprudence
Alembic U+2697 ⚗ Chemical term, chemistry
Flower U+2698 ⚘ Botanical term
Gear U+2699 ⚙ Technology, tools
Staff of Hermes U+269A ⚚ Caduceus, commercial term, commerce
Atom symbol U+269B ⚛ Nuclear installation
Fleur-de-lis U+269C ⚜ France, Quebec, Trinity, Scouting
Outlined white star U+269D ⚝ Coat of arms of Morocco
Three lines converging right U+269E ⚞ Someone speaking closed captioning symbol (from ARIB STD B24)
Three lines converging left U+269F ⚟ Background speaking closed captioning symbol (from ARIB STD B24)
Warning sign U+26A0 ⚠
High voltage sign ⚡︎ U+26A1 ⚡
Doubled female sign U+26A2 ⚢ Female homosexuality
Doubled male sign U+26A3 ⚣ Male homosexuality
Interlocked female and male sign U+26A4 ⚤ Male or Female bisexuality
Male and female sign U+26A5 ⚥ Male or Female heterosexuality, Hermaphrodite (in entomology)
Male with stroke sign U+26A6 ⚦ Transgender
Male with stroke and male and female sign
Transgender symbol (Emoji 13.0)[4]
U+26A7 ⚧ Transgender
Vertical male with stroke sign U+26A8 ⚨ Iron(II) sulfate[5]
Horizontal male with stroke sign U+26A9 ⚩ Magnesium[5]
Medium white circle ⚪︎ U+26AA ⚪ Asexuality, sexless, genderless, engaged, betrothed
Medium black circle ⚫︎ U+26AB ⚫ Symbol for record function
Medium small white circle U+26AC ⚬ Engaged, betrothed
Marriage symbol U+26AD ⚭
Divorce symbol U+26AE ⚮
Unmarried partnership symbol U+26AF ⚯
Coffin U+26B0 ⚰ Buried (genealogy)
Funeral urn U+26B1 ⚱ Cremated (genealogy)
Neuter U+26B2 ⚲
Ceres U+26B3 ⚳ 1 Ceres (dwarf planet)
Pallas U+26B4 ⚴ 2 Pallas
Juno U+26B5 ⚵ 3 Juno
Vesta U+26B6 ⚶ 4 Vesta
Chiron U+26B7 ⚷ 2060 Chiron
Black moon Lilith U+26B8 ⚸
Sextile U+26B9 ⚹ Sal ammoniac
Semisextile U+26BA ⚺
Quincunx U+26BB ⚻
Sesquiquadrate U+26BC ⚼
Football ⚽︎ U+26BD ⚽
Baseball ⚾︎ U+26BE ⚾
Squared key U+26BF ⚿ Parental lock (from ARIB STD B24)
White draughts man U+26C0 ⛀
White draughts king U+26C1 ⛁
Black draughts man U+26C2 ⛂
Black draughts king U+26C3 ⛃
Snowman without snow ⛄︎ U+26C4 ⛄ Light snow (from ARIB STD B24)
Sun behind cloud ⛅︎ U+26C5 ⛅ Partly cloudy (from ARIB STD B24)
Rain U+26C6 ⛆ Rainy weather (from ARIB STD B24)
Black snowman U+26C7 ⛇ Heavy snow (from ARIB STD B24)
Thunder cloud and rain U+26C8 ⛈ Thunderstorm (from ARIB STD B24)
Turned white shogi piece U+26C9 ⛉ From ARIB STD B24
Turned black shogi piece U+26CA ⛊ From ARIB STD B24
White diamond in square U+26CB ⛋ From ARIB STD B24
Crossing lanes U+26CC ⛌ Accident (from ARIB STD B24)
Disabled car U+26CD ⛍ From ARIB STD B24
Ophiuchus ⛎︎ U+26CE ⛎ Ophiuchus (astrology), new in Unicode 6
Pick U+26CF ⛏ Under construction (from ARIB STD B24)
Car sliding U+26D0 ⛐ Icy road (from ARIB STD B24)
Helmet with white cross U+26D1 ⛑ Maintenance (from ARIB STD B24)
Circled crossing lanes U+26D2 ⛒ Road closed (from ARIB STD B24)
Chains U+26D3 ⛓ Tyre chains required (from ARIB STD B24)
No entry ⛔︎ U+26D4 ⛔ From ARIB STD B24
Alternate one-way left way traffic U+26D5 ⛕ From ARIB STD B24
Black two-way left way traffic U+26D6 ⛖ From ARIB STD B24
White two-way left way traffic U+26D7 ⛗ From ARIB STD B24
Black left lane merge U+26D8 ⛘ From ARIB STD B24
White left lane merge U+26D9 ⛙ From ARIB STD B24
Drive slow sign U+26DA ⛚ From ARIB STD B24
Heavy white down-pointing triangle U+26DB ⛛ Drive slow (from ARIB STD B24)
Left closed entry U+26DC ⛜ From ARIB STD B24
Squared saltire U+26DD ⛝ Closed entry (from ARIB STD B24)
Falling diagonal in white circle in black square U+26DE ⛞ Closed to large vehicles (from ARIB STD B24)
Black truck U+26DF ⛟ Closed to large vehicles, alternate (from ARIB STD B24)
Restricted left entry-1 U+26E0 ⛠ From ARIB STD B24
Restricted left entry-2 U+26E1 ⛡ From ARIB STD B24
Astronomical symbol for Uranus U+26E2 ⛢ New in Unicode 6
Heavy circle with stroke and two dots above U+26E3 ⛣ Public office (from ARIB STD B24)
Pentagram U+26E4 ⛤ New in Unicode 6
Right-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E5 ⛥ New in Unicode 6
Left-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E6 ⛦ New in Unicode 6
Inverted pentagram U+26E7 ⛧ New in Unicode 6
Black cross on shield U+26E8 ⛨ Hospital (from ARIB STD B24)
Shinto shrine U+26E9 ⛩ Torii (from ARIB STD B24)
Church ⛪︎ U+26EA ⛪ From ARIB STD B24
Castle U+26EB ⛫ From ARIB STD B24
Historic site U+26EC ⛬ From ARIB STD B24
Gear without hub U+26ED ⛭ Factory (from ARIB STD B24)
Gear with handles U+26EE ⛮ Power plant, power substation (from ARIB STD B24)
Map symbol for lighthouse U+26EF ⛯ From ARIB STD B24
Mountain U+26F0 ⛰ From ARIB STD B24
Umbrella on ground U+26F1 ⛱ Bathing beach (from ARIB STD B24)
Fountain ⛲︎ U+26F2 ⛲ Park (from ARIB STD B24)
Flag in hole ⛳︎ U+26F3 ⛳ Golf course (from ARIB STD B24)
Ferry U+26F4 ⛴ Ferry boat terminal (from ARIB STD B24)
Sailboat ⛵︎ U+26F5 ⛵ Marina or yacht harbour (from ARIB STD B24)
Square four corners U+26F6 ⛶ Intersection (from ARIB STD B24)
Skier U+26F7 ⛷ Ski resort (from ARIB STD B24)
Ice skate U+26F8 ⛸ Ice skating rink (from ARIB STD B24)
Person with ball U+26F9 ⛹ Track and field, gymnasium (from ARIB STD B24)
Tent ⛺︎ U+26FA ⛺ Camping site (from ARIB STD B24)
Japanese bank symbol U+26FB ⛻ From ARIB STD B24
Headstone graveyard symbol U+26FC ⛼ Graveyard, memorial park, cemetery (from ARIB STD B24)
Fuel pump ⛽︎ U+26FD ⛽ Petrol station, gas station (from ARIB STD B24)
Cup on black square U+26FE ⛾ Drive-in restaurant (from ARIB STD B24)
White flag with horizontal middle black stripe U+26FF ⛿ Japanese self-defense force site (from ARIB STD B24)


The Miscellaneous Symbols block contains 83 emoji: U+2600–U+2604, U+260E, U+2611, U+2614–U+2615, U+2618, U+261D, U+2620, U+2622–U+2623, U+2626, U+262A, U+262E–U+262F, U+2638–U+263A, U+2640, U+2642, U+2648–U+2653, U+265F–U+2660, U+2663, U+2665–U+2666, U+2668, U+267B, U+267E–U+267F, U+2692–U+2697, U+2699, U+269B–U+269C, U+26A0–U+26A1, U+26A7, U+26AA–U+26AB, U+26B0–U+26B1, U+26BD–U+26BE, U+26C4–U+26C5, U+26C8, U+26CE–U+26CF, U+26D1, U+26D3–U+26D4, U+26E9–U+26EA, U+26F0–U+26F5, U+26F7–U+26FA and U+26FD.[6][7]

The block has 166 standardized variants defined to specify emoji-style (U+FE0F VS16) or text presentation (U+FE0E VS15) for the following 83 base characters: U+2600–U+2604, U+260E, U+2611, U+2614–U+2615, U+2618, U+261D, U+2620, U+2622–U+2623, U+2626, U+262A, U+262E–U+262F, U+2638–U+263A, U+2640, U+2642, U+2648–U+2653, U+265F–U+2660, U+2663, U+2665–U+2666, U+2668, U+267B, U+267E–U+267F, U+2692–U+2697, U+2699, U+269B–U+269C, U+26A0–U+26A1, U+26A7, U+26AA–U+26AB, U+26B0–U+26B1, U+26BD–U+26BE, U+26C4–U+26C5, U+26C8, U+26CE–U+26CF, U+26D1, U+26D3–U+26D4, U+26E9–U+26EA, U+26F0–U+26F5, U+26F7–U+26FA and U+26FD.[8]

Emoji variation sequences
U+ 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 260E 2611 2614 2615 2618 261D 2620
default presentation text text text text text text text emoji emoji text text text
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ☀︎ ☁︎ ☂︎ ☃︎ ☄︎ ☎︎ ☑︎ ☔︎ ☕︎ ☘︎ ☝︎ ☠︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ☀️ ☁️ ☂️ ☃️ ☄️ ☎️ ☑️ ☔️ ☕️ ☘️ ☝️ ☠️
U+ 2622 2623 2626 262A 262E 262F 2638 2639 263A 2640 2642 2648
default presentation text text text text text text text text text text text emoji
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ☢︎ ☣︎ ☦︎ ☪︎ ☮︎ ☯︎ ☸︎ ☹︎ ☺︎ ♀︎ ♂︎ ♈︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ☢️ ☣️ ☦️ ☪️ ☮️ ☯️ ☸️ ☹️ ☺️ ♀️ ♂️ ♈️
U+ 2649 264A 264B 264C 264D 264E 264F 2650 2651 2652 2653 265F
default presentation emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji text
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎ ♟︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️ ♟️
U+ 2660 2663 2665 2666 2668 267B 267E 267F 2692 2693 2694 2695
default presentation text text text text text text text emoji text emoji text text
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ♠︎ ♣︎ ♥︎ ♦︎ ♨︎ ♻︎ ♾︎ ♿︎ ⚒︎ ⚓︎ ⚔︎ ⚕︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️ ♨️ ♻️ ♾️ ♿️ ⚒️ ⚓️ ⚔️ ⚕️
U+ 2696 2697 2699 269B 269C 26A0 26A1 26A7 26AA 26AB 26B0 26B1
default presentation text text text text text text emoji text emoji emoji text text
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ⚖︎ ⚗︎ ⚙︎ ⚛︎ ⚜︎ ⚠︎ ⚡︎ ⚧︎ ⚪︎ ⚫︎ ⚰︎ ⚱︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ⚖️ ⚗️ ⚙️ ⚛️ ⚜️ ⚠️ ⚡️ ⚧️ ⚪️ ⚫️ ⚰️ ⚱️
U+ 26BD 26BE 26C4 26C5 26C8 26CE 26CF 26D1 26D3 26D4 26E9 26EA
default presentation emoji emoji emoji emoji text emoji text text text emoji text emoji
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ⚽︎ ⚾︎ ⛄︎ ⛅︎ ⛈︎ ⛎︎ ⛏︎ ⛑︎ ⛓︎ ⛔︎ ⛩︎ ⛪︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ⚽️ ⚾️ ⛄️ ⛅️ ⛈️ ⛎️ ⛏️ ⛑️ ⛓️ ⛔️ ⛩️ ⛪️
U+ 26F0 26F1 26F2 26F3 26F4 26F5 26F7 26F8 26F9 26FA 26FD
default presentation text text emoji emoji text emoji text text text emoji emoji
base code point
base+VS15 (text) ⛰︎ ⛱︎ ⛲︎ ⛳︎ ⛴︎ ⛵︎ ⛷︎ ⛸︎ ⛹︎ ⛺︎ ⛽︎
base+VS16 (emoji) ⛰️ ⛱️ ⛲️ ⛳️ ⛴️ ⛵️ ⛷️ ⛸️ ⛹️ ⛺️ ⛽️

Emoji modifiers

The Miscellaneous Symbols block has two emoji that represent people or body parts. They can be modified using U+1F3FB–U+1F3FF to provide for a range of human skin color using the Fitzpatrick scale:[7]

Human emoji
U+ 261D 26F9
emoji ☝️ ⛹️
FITZ-1-2 ☝️🏻 ⛹🏻
FITZ-3 ☝️🏼 ⛹🏼
FITZ-4 ☝️🏽 ⛹🏽
FITZ-5 ☝️🏾 ⛹🏾
FITZ-6 ☝️🏿 ⛹🏿

Additional human emoji can be found in other Unicode blocks: Dingbats, Emoticons, Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs, Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs, Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A and Transport and Map Symbols.


In Unicode 1.0 (1991) the same block was named Miscellaneous Dingbats (not to be confused with current "Dingbats" block, which was then renamed to "Zapf Dingbats").[9]

The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols block:

Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
1.0.0 U+2600..2613, 261A..266F 106 (to be determined)
L2/11-438[b][c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011-12-22), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429)
L2/15-050R[d][c] Davis, Mark; et al. (2015-01-29), Additional variation selectors for emoji
L2/15-301[e][c] Pournader, Roozbeh (2015-11-01), A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji
L2/16-036 Davis, Mark (2016-01-24), Nameslist.txt suggestions
L2/16-281 Burge, Jeremy; Hunt, Paul (2016-10-17), Emoji Glyph Updates
L2/16-361 Pournader, Roozbeh; Felt, Doug (2016-11-07), Add text and emoji standardized variation sequences for 96 symbols
L2/17-232 Buff, Charlotte (2017-06-28), Proposal for Fully Gender-Inclusive Emoji
L2/17-287 Davis, Mark; Edberg, Peter (2017-08-08), "Gender Sign Sequences", Recommendations from ESC for 2018, part 2
L2/18-018 Abdul, Juber Moulvi (2017-10-04), Chess Emoji Submission
L2/17-401 Ad Hoc recommendations for Emoji 6, 2017-10-26
L2/18-023 "2.2", ESC Recommendations for Emoji 11.0, 2018-01-18
L2/18-007 Moore, Lisa (2018-03-19), "E.1.1", UTC #154 Minutes
L2/17-362 Moore, Lisa (2018-02-02), "Consensus 153-C34", UTC #153 Minutes
L2/18-059 Burge, Jeremy; Haggerty, Bryan (2018-02-02), Proposal for new RGI Emoji Sequence, Pirate Flag Emoji
L2/18-313 Singh, Amandeep (2018-09-30), Correcting the name and position of U+262C currently labeled as ADI SHAKTI
L2/19-047 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2019-01-13), "21. Adi Shakti", Recommendations to UTC #158 January 2019 on Script Proposals
L2/19-008 Moore, Lisa (2019-02-08), "D.5 Correcting the name and position of U+262C", UTC #158 Minutes
L2/19-078 Daniel, Jennifer (2019-03-05), Using Gender Inclusive Designs
L2/19-231R Daniel, Jennifer (2019-07-23), Recommendations for Gendered Emoji ZWJ Sequences for Unicode 13.0, Phase 2
L2/19-270 Moore, Lisa (2019-10-07), "E.1.1.1", UTC #160 Minutes
3.0 U+2619 1 L2/98-215 N1748 Everson, Michael (1998-05-25), Additional signature mark characters for the UCS
L2/98-281R (pdf, html) Aliprand, Joan (1998-07-31), "Signature Marks (IV.C.7)", Unconfirmed Minutes – UTC #77 & NCITS Subgroup L2 # 174 JOINT MEETING, Redmond, WA -- July 29-31, 1998
L2/98-292R (pdf, html, Figure 1) "2.7", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998-08-19
L2/98-292 N1840 "2.7", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998-08-25
L2/98-301 N1847 Everson, Michael (1998-09-12), Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals
L2/98-372 N1884R2 (pdf, doc) Whistler, Ken; et al. (1998-09-22), Additional Characters for the UCS
L2/98-329 N1920 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 30, AMENDMENT 30: Additional Latin and other characters, 1998-10-28
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1998-12-30), "", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21--25
U+2670..2671 2 N1719 Proposal to add Syriac crosses to miscellaneous symbols, 1998-03-06
L2/98-286 N1703 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1998-07-02), "8.24", Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting #34, Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-16--20
L2/98-321 N1905 Revised text of 10646-1/FPDAM 23, AMENDMENT 23: Bopomofo Extended and other characters, 1998-10-22
3.2 U+2616..2617 2 L2/99-238 Consolidated document containing 6 Japanese proposals, 1999-07-15
N2092 Addition of forty eight characters, 1999-09-13
L2/99-365 Moore, Lisa (1999-11-23), Comments on JCS Proposals
L2/99-260R Moore, Lisa (2000-02-07), "JCS Proposals", Minutes of the UTC/L2 meeting in Mission Viejo, October 26-28, 1999
L2/00-297 N2257 Sato, T. K. (2000-09-04), JIS X 0213 symbols part-1
L2/00-342 N2278 Sato, T. K.; Everson, Michael; Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000-09-20), Ad hoc Report on Japan feedback N2257 and N2258
L2/01-050 N2253 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-01-21), "7.16 JIS X0213 Symbols", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
L2/01-114 N2328 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3503, ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000/PDAM 1, 2001-03-09
U+2672..267D 12 L2/98-025 N1661 Everson, Michael (1997-12-08), Proposal to encode two ecological symbols in ISO/IEC 10646
L2/98-070 Aliprand, Joan; Winkler, Arnold, "4.C.4", Minutes of the joint UTC and L2 meeting from the meeting in Cupertino, February 25-27, 1998
L2/98-286 N1703 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1998-07-02), "8.7", Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting #34, Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-16--20
L2/00-292 N2240 Everson, Michael; Freytag, Asmus (2000-08-27), Proposal to add 8 recycling characters to the UCS
L2/01-005 N2310 Everson, Michael; Freytag, Asmus (2000-12-22), Background information on Recycling Symbols
L2/01-050 N2253 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-01-21), "7.9 Proposal to add 8 recycling symbols", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
L2/00-324 Moore, Lisa (2001-01-29), "Motion 85-M8", Minutes from UTC #85, San Diego
L2/01-146 N2342 Everson, Michael; Freytag, Asmus (2001-04-02), Background information on Recycling Symbols
L2/01-012R Moore, Lisa (2001-05-21), "Motion 86-M15 and 86-M16", Minutes UTC #86 in Mountain View, Jan 2001
L2/01-227 Whistler, Ken (2001-05-22), "ITEM 1", WG2 Consent Docket for UTC #87
L2/01-184R Moore, Lisa (2001-06-18), "Motion 87-M16, ITEM 1", Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting
L2/01-344 N2353 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-09-09), "Resolution M40.5", Minutes from SC2/WG2 meeting #40 -- Mountain View, April 2001
L2/02-154 N2403 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2002-04-22), "7.7", Draft minutes of WG 2 meeting 41, Hotel Phoenix, Singapore, 2001-10-15/19
L2/10-088 N3776 DoCoMo Input on Emoji, 2010-03-08
U+2680..2689 10 L2/01-142[f] N2336 Beeton, Barbara; Freytag, Asmus; Ion, Patrick (2001-04-02), Additional Mathematical Symbols
L2/01-156 N2356 Freytag, Asmus (2001-04-03), Additional Mathematical Characters (Draft 10)
L2/01-344 N2353 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-09-09), "7.7 Mathematical Symbols", Minutes from SC2/WG2 meeting #40 -- Mountain View, April 2001
L2/16-036 Davis, Mark (2016-01-24), Nameslist.txt suggestions
4.0 U+2614..2615, 2690..2691, 26A0..26A1 6 L2/99-353 N2056 "3", Amendment of the part concerning the Korean characters in ISO/IEC 10646-1:1998 amendment 5, 1999-07-29
L2/99-380 Proposal for a New Work item (NP) to amend the Korean part in ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, 1999-12-07
L2/99-380.3 Annex B, Special characters compatible with KPS 9566-97 (To be extended), 1999-12-07
L2/00-084 N2182 "3", Amendment of the part concerning the Korean characters in ISO/IEC 10646-1:1998 amendment 5 (Cover page and outline of proposal L2/99-380), 1999-12-07
L2/99-382 Whistler, Ken (1999-12-09), "2.3", Comments to accompany a U.S. NO vote on JTC1 N5999, SC2 N3393, New Work item proposal (NP) for an amendment of the Korean part of ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993
L2/00-066 N2170 (pdf, doc) "3", The technical justification of the proposal to amend the Korean character part of ISO/IEC 10646-1 (proposed addition of 79 symbolic characters), 2000-02-10
L2/00-073 N2167 Karlsson, Kent (2000-03-02), Comments on DPRK New Work Item proposal on Korean characters
L2/00-285 N2244 Proposal for the Addition of 82 Symbols to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, 2000-08-10
L2/00-291 Everson, Michael (2000-08-30), Comments to Korean proposals (L2/00-284 - 289)
N2282 Report of the meeting of the Korean script ad hoc group, 2000-09-21
L2/01-349 N2374R Proposal to add of 70 symbols to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, 2001-09-03
L2/01-387 N2390 Kim, Kyongsok (2001-10-13), ROK's Comments about DPRK's proposal, WG2 N 2374, to add 70 symbols to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000
L2/01-388 N2392 Kim, Kyongsok (2001-10-16), A Report of Korean Script ad hoc group meeting on Oct. 15, 2001
L2/01-420 Whistler, Ken (2001-10-30), "f. Miscellaneous symbol additions from DPRK standard", WG2 (Singapore) Resolution Consent Docket for UTC
L2/01-458 N2407 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-11-16), Request to Korean ad hoc group to generate mapping tables between ROK and DPRK national standards
L2/02-372 N2453 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2002-10-30), "M42.14", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 42
L2/17-401 Ad Hoc recommendations for Emoji 6, 2017-10-26
L2/17-362 Moore, Lisa (2018-02-02), "Consensus 153-C34", UTC #153 Minutes
U+268A..268F 6 L2/01-283 N2363 Cook, Richard; Everson, Michael; Jenkins, John H. (2001-07-25), Proposal to add monogram, digram and hexagram characters to the UCS
L2/01-295R Moore, Lisa (2001-11-06), "Motion 88-M4", Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting #88
L2/01-405R Moore, Lisa (2001-12-12), "Consensus 89-C24", Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001, The UTC confirms the reassignment of the Yijing Monograms to 268A..268F.
L2/02-154 N2403 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2002-04-22), "7.3", Draft minutes of WG 2 meeting 41, Hotel Phoenix, Singapore, 2001-10-15/19
4.1 U+2618, 267E..267F, 269B..269C 5 L2/03-214 Whistler, Ken (2003-06-30), Code point conflict for new symbols
L2/03-163R2 N2586R Everson, Michael (2003-09-04), Proposal to encode five miscellaneous symbols in the UCS
L2/15-050R[d][c] Davis, Mark; et al. (2015-01-29), Additional variation selectors for emoji
L2/15-301[e][c] Pournader, Roozbeh (2015-11-01), A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji
L2/17-343 Álvarez, Onelia; Alonso, Gonzalo (2017-02-03), Infinity Emoji Submission
L2/17-380R Emoji Subcommittee Report Q3 2017, 2017-10-23
L2/17-401 Ad Hoc recommendations for Emoji 6, 2017-10-26
L2/17-362 Moore, Lisa (2018-02-02), "Consensus 153-C34", UTC #153 Minutes
U+2692..269A 9 L2/03-354 N2655 Freytag, Asmus (2003-10-10), Proposal -- Symbols used in Dictionaries
L2/03-356R2 Moore, Lisa (2003-10-22), "Consensus 97-C15", UTC #97 Minutes
L2/15-301[e][c] Pournader, Roozbeh (2015-11-01), A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji
L2/16-361 Pournader, Roozbeh; Felt, Doug (2016-11-07), Add text and emoji standardized variation sequences for 96 symbols
U+26A2..26B1 16 L2/03-120 N2580 Everson, Michael (2003-03-26), Proposal to encode symbols for genealogy and gender studies in the UCS
L2/03-164 N2587 Everson, Michael (2003-05-24), Revised proposal to encode symbols for genealogy and gender studies in the UCS
L2/03-364 N2663 Everson, Michael (2003-10-17), Second revised proposal to encode symbols for genealogy and gender studies in the UCS
L2/03-356R2 Moore, Lisa (2003-10-22), "Consensus 97-C11", UTC #97 Minutes
L2/11-438[b][c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011-12-22), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429)
L2/15-301[e][c] Pournader, Roozbeh (2015-11-01), A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji
5.0 U+26B2 1 L2/04-406 Freytag, Asmus; Sargent, Murray; Beeton, Barbara; Carlisle, David (2004-11-15), Progress report on Mathematical Symbols
L2/04-410 Freytag, Asmus (2004-11-18), Twenty six mathematical characters
5.1 U+269D 1 L2/05-318 Lazrek, Azzeddine (2005-10-24), Proposals for Unicode Consortium [Arabic mathematical symbols]
L2/05-320 Lazrek, Azzeddine (2005-07-10), Arabic Mathematical Diverse Symbols, Additional characters proposed to Unicode
L2/06-125 N3086-1, N3086 Lazrek, Azzeddine (2006-03-30), Diverse Arabic Mathematical Symbols
L2/06-108 Moore, Lisa (2006-05-25), "C.16", UTC #107 Minutes
N3103 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2006-08-25), "8.14", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 48, Mountain View, CA, USA; 2006-04-24/27
N3153 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-02-16), "M49.7", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 49 AIST, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan; 2006-09-25/29
L2/09-185R2 N3674 Lazrek, Azzeddine; Anderson, Deborah (2009-05-14), Proposal for PENTAGRAM characters
U+26B3..26BC 10 L2/06-171 N3110 Faulks, David (2006-05-09), Proposal to add some Western Astrology Symbols to the UCS
L2/06-108 Moore, Lisa (2006-05-25), "C.19", UTC #107 Minutes
N3153 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-02-16), "M49.6", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 49 AIST, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan; 2006-09-25/29
U+26C0..26C3 4 L2/04-163 N2760 Everson, Michael (2004-05-18), Proposal to encode dominoes and other game symbols in the UCS
L2/06-288 Pentzlin, Karl (2006-08-06), Comments on L2/04-163 - Domino tiles and other game symbols
L2/06-306 N3147 Everson, Michael (2006-09-12), Proposal to encode Mahjong, Domino, and Draughts symbols in the UCS
L2/07-171 N3171 Chen, Zhuang; Everson, Michael; Lu, Qin; Sekiguchi, Masuhiro; Shih-Shyeng, Tseng; Wei, Lin-Mei; West, Andrew (2006-09-27), Proposal to encode Mahjong, Domino, and Draughts symbols in the UCS
N3153 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-02-16), "M49.14", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 49 AIST, Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan; 2006-09-25/29
L2/06-324R2 Moore, Lisa (2006-11-29), "Consensus 109-C3", UTC #109 Minutes
5.2 U+269E..269F, 26BE..26BF, 26C4..26CD, 26CF..26E1, 26E3, 26E8..26FF 58 N3353 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-10-10), "M51.32", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 51 Hanzhou, China; 2007-04-24/27
L2/07-259 Suignard, Michel (2007-08-02), Japanese TV Symbols
L2/07-391 N3341 Suignard, Michel (2007-09-18), Japanese TV Symbols
L2/08-077R2 N3397 Suignard, Michel (2008-03-11), Japanese TV symbols
L2/08-128 Iancu, Laurențiu (2008-03-22), Names and allocation of some Japanese TV symbols from N3397
L2/08-158 Pentzlin, Karl (2008-04-16), Comments on L2/08-077R2 "Japanese TV Symbols"
L2/08-188 N3468 Sekiguchi, Masahiro (2008-04-22), Collected comments on Japanese TV Symbols (WG2 N3397)
L2/08-077R3 N3469 Suignard, Michel (2008-04-23), Japanese TV symbols
L2/08-215 Pentzlin, Karl (2008-05-07), Comments on L2/08-077R2 "Japanese TV Symbols"
L2/08-289 Pentzlin, Karl (2008-08-05), Proposal to rename and reassign some Japanese TV Symbols from L2/08-077R3
L2/08-292 Stötzner, Andreas (2008-08-06), Improvement suggestions for n3469
L2/08-307 Scherer, Markus (2008-08-08), Feedback on the Japanese TV Symbols Proposal (L2/08-077R3)
L2/08-318 N3453 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2008-08-13), "M52.14", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 52
L2/08-253R2 Moore, Lisa (2008-08-19), "B.15.3", UTC #116 Minutes
L2/08-161R2 Moore, Lisa (2008-11-05), "Consensus 115-C17", UTC #115 Minutes, Approve 186 Japanese TV symbols for encoding in a future version of the standard.
L2/08-361 Moore, Lisa (2008-12-02), "Consensus 117-C23", UTC #117 Minutes, Change the name of U+26EF LIGHTHOUSE to U+26EF MAP SYMBOL FOR LIGHTHOUSE.
L2/09-064 Scherer, Markus (2009-01-29), Request to change some ARIB/AMD6 character names and a code point
L2/11-438[b][c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011-12-22), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429)
L2/15-050R[d][c] Davis, Mark; et al. (2015-01-29), Additional variation selectors for emoji
L2/15-201 Allow emoji modifiers for 2 existing and 1 proposed characters, 2015-07-31
L2/15-187 Moore, Lisa (2015-08-11), "Consensus 144-C17", UTC #144 Minutes, Give emoji modifier status secondary to U+26F9 PERSON WITH BALL and U+1F3CB WEIGHT LIFTER, for the next revision of UTR #51.
L2/15-301[e][c] Pournader, Roozbeh (2015-11-01), A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji
L2/16-228 Constable, Peter; Safran-Aasen, Judy; Coady, Michele; Bjornstad, Shelley (2016-08-04), Proposed Additions to Emoji_Modifier_Base
L2/16-281 Burge, Jeremy; Hunt, Paul (2016-10-17), Emoji Glyph Updates
L2/23-036 Daniel, Jennifer (2022-07-14), Chain with Broken Link Proposal [Affects U+26D3]
L2/23-037R Daniel, Jennifer (2023-01-25), Recommendations for ZWJ Sequences, Unicode 15.1 [Affects U+26D3]
L2/23-005 Constable, Peter (2023-02-01), "G.1.1 Emoji 15.1 Recommendations", UTC #174 Minutes
U+26BD 1 L2/08-135 Pentzlin, Karl (2008-04-02), Proposal to encode a SOCCER BALL symbol
L2/08-253R2 Moore, Lisa (2008-08-19), "B.15.3", UTC #116 Minutes
L2/08-412 N3553 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2008-11-05), "M53.08", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 53
6.0 U+26CE[c] 1 L2/08-253R2 Moore, Lisa (2008-08-19), "B.15.3", UTC #116 Minutes
L2/09-025R2 N3582[g] Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Tong, Darick; Kida, Yasuo; Edberg, Peter (2009-03-05), Proposal for Encoding Emoji Symbols
L2/09-026R N3583 Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Tong, Darick; Kida, Yasuo; Edberg, Peter (2009-02-06), Emoji Symbols Proposed for New Encoding
L2/09-027R2 N3681 Scherer, Markus (2009-09-17), Emoji Symbols: Background Data
L2/10-132 Scherer, Markus; Davis, Mark; Momoi, Kat; Tong, Darick; Kida, Yasuo; Edberg, Peter (2010-04-27), Emoji Symbols: Background Data
L2/22-229R Leroy, Robin; Davis, Mark (2022-10-28), Proposed changes to Unicode properties and reports for source code handling, Add to the file emoji-variation-sequences.txt any code points from the following set that are not already in it...
L2/22-241 Constable, Peter (2022-11-09), "Consensus 173-C29", Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 173, Accept the proposals in L2/22-229R
U+26E2 1 L2/09-208 Anderson, Deborah; Iancu, Laurențiu; Sargent, Murray (2009-05-10), Preliminary Proposal to Encode Characters from the STIX PUA Collection
L2/09-261 Iancu, Laurențiu; Sargent, Murray (2009-07-31), Preliminary proposal to encode characters from the STIX PUA collection, Part 1
L2/09-262 Anderson, Deborah; Iancu, Laurențiu; Sargent, Murray (2009-07-31), Preliminary proposal to encode characters from the STIX PUA collection, Part 2
L2/09-300 N3672 Iancu, Laurențiu; Sargent, Murray (2009-08-14), Proposal to encode astronomical symbol for Uranus
L2/09-304 Anderson, Deborah (2009-08-15), "T.2. Miscellaneous Symbols", US Position on PDAM 8
L2/09-225R Moore, Lisa (2009-08-17), "120-C22", UTC #120 / L2 #217 Minutes
N3703 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2010-04-13), "M55.9g", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no. 55, Tokyo 2009-10-26/30
U+26E4..26E7 4 L2/09-185R2 N3674 Lazrek, Azzeddine; Anderson, Deborah (2009-05-14), Proposal for PENTAGRAM characters
L2/09-104 Moore, Lisa (2009-05-20), "D.2", UTC #119 / L2 #216 Minutes
N3703 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2010-04-13), "M55.9a", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting no. 55, Tokyo 2009-10-26/30
L2/09-335R Moore, Lisa (2009-11-10), "Consensus 121-C13", UTC #121 / L2 #218 Minutes
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
  2. ^ a b c See also L2/10-458, L2/11-414, L2/11-415, and L2/11-429
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Refer to the history section of the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block for additional emoji-related documents
  4. ^ a b c See also L2/13-207, L2/14-054, L2/14-063, L2/15-051A, L2/15-051B
  5. ^ a b c d e See also L2/15-198 and L2/15-275
  6. ^ Refer to the history section of the Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B block for additional math-related documents
  7. ^ Japanese translation of N3582 is available as N3621

See also


  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ a b Ewell, Doug (2002-08-15). "Re: Scripts in Unicode 4.0". Unicode Mail List Archive.
  4. ^ "Emoji Recently Added, v13.0". Unicode Consortium.
  5. ^ a b Everson, Michael (2003-10-17), L2/03-364: Second revised proposal to encode symbols for genealogy and gender studies in the UCS (PDF)
  6. ^ "UTR #51: Unicode Emoji". Unicode Consortium. 2023-09-05.
  7. ^ a b "UCD: Emoji Data for UTR #51". Unicode Consortium. 2023-02-01.
  8. ^ "UTS #51 Emoji Variation Sequences". The Unicode Consortium.
  9. ^ "3.8: Block-by-Block Charts" (PDF). The Unicode Standard. version 1.0. Unicode Consortium.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Miscellaneous Symbols.
  • "Miscellaneous Symbol plane bitmap page". Unipad.org. Archived from the original on 2011-05-15. Retrieved 2021-11-20.
  • "Symbols used in email subject lines". EmailInsights.com. Archived from the original on 2020-11-06. Retrieved 2022-10-06.
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