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Gephyromantis atsingy
Classificazione scientifica
Methuen, 1920
vedi testo

Gephyromantis Methuen, 1920 è un genere di rane della famiglia Mantellidae, endemico del Madagascar.[1]


Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

  • Gephyromantis ambohitra (Vences and Glaw, 2001)
  • Gephyromantis angano Scherz, Vences, Borelli, Ball, Nomenjanahary, Parker, Rakotondratsima, Razafimandimby, Starnes, Rabearivony, and Glaw, 2017
  • Gephyromantis asper (Boulenger, 1882)
  • Gephyromantis atsingy Crottini, Glaw, Casiraghi, Jenkins, Mercurio, Randrianantoandro, Randrianirina, and Andreone, 2011
  • Gephyromantis blanci Guibé, 1974
  • Gephyromantis boulengeri Methuen, 1920
  • Gephyromantis ceratophrys (Ahl, 1929 "1928")
  • Gephyromantis cornutus (Glaw and Vences, 1992)
  • Gephyromantis corvus (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
  • Gephyromantis decaryi Angel, 1930
  • Gephyromantis eiselti Guibé, 1975
  • Gephyromantis enki (Glaw and Vences, 2002)
  • Gephyromantis granulatus (Boettger, 1881)
  • Gephyromantis grosjeani Scherz, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Hawlitschek, Vences, and Glaw, 2018
  • Gephyromantis hintelmannae Wollenberg, Glaw, and Vences, 2012
  • Gephyromantis horridus (Boettger, 1880)
  • Gephyromantis kintana Cocca, Andreone, Belluardo, Rosa, Randrianirina, Glaw, and Crottini, 2020
  • Gephyromantis klemmeri Guibé, 1974
  • Gephyromantis leucocephalus Angel, 1930
  • Gephyromantis leucomaculatus (Guibé, 1975)
  • Gephyromantis lomorina Scherz, Hawlitschek, Razafindraibe, Megson, Ratsoavina, Rakotoarison, Bletz, Glaw, and Vences, 2018
  • Gephyromantis luteus (Methuen and Hewitt, 1913)
  • Gephyromantis mafy Vieites, Wollenberg, and Vences, 2012
  • Gephyromantis malagasius (Methuen and Hewitt, 1913)
  • Gephyromantis moseri (Glaw and Vences, 2002)
  • Gephyromantis plicifer (Boulenger, 1882)
  • Gephyromantis pseudoasper (Guibé, 1974)
  • Gephyromantis ranjomavo Glaw and Vences, 2011
  • Gephyromantis redimitus (Boulenger, 1889)
  • Gephyromantis rivicola (Vences, Glaw, and Andreone, 1997)
  • Gephyromantis runewsweeki Vences and De la Riva, 2007
  • Gephyromantis salegy (Andreone, Aprea, Vences, and Odierna, 2003)
  • Gephyromantis saturnini Scherz, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Hawlitschek, Vences, and Glaw, 2018
  • Gephyromantis schilfi (Glaw and Vences, 2000)
  • Gephyromantis sculpturatus (Ahl, 1929)
  • Gephyromantis silvanus (Vences, Glaw, and Andreone, 1997)
  • Gephyromantis spiniferus (Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc, 1991)
  • Gephyromantis striatus (Vences, Glaw, Andreone, Jesu, and Schimmenti, 2002)
  • Gephyromantis tahotra Glaw, Köhler, and Vences, 2011
  • Gephyromantis tandroka (Glaw and Vences, 2001)
  • Gephyromantis thelenae (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
  • Gephyromantis tohatra Scherz, Razafindraibe, Rakotoarison, Dixit, Bletz, Glaw, and Vences, 2017
  • Gephyromantis tschenki (Glaw and Vences, 2001)
  • Gephyromantis ventrimaculatus (Angel, 1935)
  • Gephyromantis verrucosus Angel, 1930
  • Gephyromantis webbi (Grandison, 1953)
  • Gephyromantis zavona (Vences, Andreone, Glaw, and Randrianirina, 2003)


  1. ^ a b (EN) Frost D.R. et al., Gephyromantis, in Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0, New York, American Museum of Natural History, 2014. URL consultato il 18 giugno 2021.

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  • Wikimedia Commons
  • Wikispecies
  • Collabora a Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Gephyromantis
  • Collabora a Wikispecies Wikispecies contiene informazioni su Gephyromantis

Collegamenti esterni

  • (EN) Gephyromantis Amphibiaweb: Information on amphibian biology and conservation.
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